The story of ALBOG begins 25 years ago and 1400km away from Switzerland, in a small town in central Serbia. An enterprising, business and above all family man, Momcilo Bogdanovic and his wife, Snezana, founded a small company that was engaged in the retailing of frozen food, which was exclusively supplied locally (1989). Year after year company grew .
With the establishment of ALBOG AG (2010) in one of the largest business centers in the world (Zurich and later Zug / Switzerland) by his son Alexander, his work expanded globally. The largest number of clients is from the former Yugoslav states and the countries of Eastern Europe, because we know these business habits and customs best.
VML ENERGY DOO: a long-standing and proven partner in the food products segment. The company VML ENERGY DOO with headquarters in New Belgrade, with which we are carrying knowledge and experience, together we successfully perform and supply the most renowned trade chains, smaller markets as well as many importers in the territory of Serbia and all countries in the territory of the Balkans.
Today, ALBOG AG owns companies in Sofia / Bulgaria, Bakok / Thailand, Free Zone Luka Bar / Montenegro and an office in Belgrade / Serbia.
The story goes on …
ALBOG AG is a joint-stock company based in Zug, Switzerland. It has emerged as a product of years of experience in brokering over 50 foreign companies and marketing food for human consumption in the territory of the former Yugoslavia to the rest of Eastern Europe.
Our first challenge was to attract foreign partners and gain their trust, given that Serbia was considered as a high risk country in business at the time. For years, we have created a stable network of suppliers, who have been prepared to adapt to all domestic, demanding legal regulations that initially differed greatly from their established business habits.
The core business of the company is briefly the global trade in raw, frozen and canned foods, representation and mediation between world food producers and potential domestic importers, outsourcing for private brands, consulting in international food trade, providing foreign and domestic logistics solutions.
Products we deliver from our wide range of activities are:
- Fish / frozen and canned
- Raw materials for meat industry / frozen
- Tropical fruit / frozen and preserved
- Vegetables / canned
- Coffee / Raw / Finished Product (Homemade and Espresso)